Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The generational planets- history repeats itself

By and large, one of the driving themes of Astrology is the idea that life functions in cycles, and that through these cycles we learn and grow. The planets from Saturn inwards to the Sun tend to complete their cycles within our lifetimes- giving us the opportunity to experience how they effect all the parts of our lives as they pass through our individual charts, and what happens when the cycle starts over (the planet's "return").
"Don't make me repeat myself."

In contrast, the planets beyond Saturn (Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto) move so slowly that their effects tend to be felt by generations and societies, effecting long-term and widespread trends in how people react, relate and work with one another. A couple of my earlier posts were about the astrological trends that different generations share. In this post, I have a list of events happening in the next couple months dealing with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto- and what happened last time these planets were in this position.

They say history works in cycles- so does astrology. It's always surprising what themes you can learn from the past- and right now there's a ton:

Trans-Saturnian planets were unknown to ancient people, and were only discovered within the past few centuries. The time period of their discoveries tend to correspond to the attributes ruled by each planet, as has been determined in the time since their discovery.

Uranus (Gr: Prometheus, gave fire to humanity)- Discovered Mar 13, 1781

-Mar 12, 2011 – moves into Aries

- Uranus brings shocking, sometimes uncomfortable, but necessary change in an unpredictable way

- Uranus into Aries (the beginning of the Zodiac) brings a new cycle of “change” in the world. No coincidence that Obama’s campaign slogan was “Change”

- Uranus last entered Aries in 1928- just prior to the Great Depression (change) as well as the FDR’s “New Deal”, which was at the time controversially socialistic and unique. Around the world, technological revolutions and governmental changes began to take place. Revolutions in agriculture, society, etc. were commonplace. Then we had WWII- when the revolutionary changes at breakneck pace in disparate nations finally butted heads

What if… Revolutions in green agriculture? Do-it-yourself culture takes off in new way? Revolutions in society? Worker equality?

Neptune (Gr: Poseidon, God of the Sea)- Discovered Sep. 23, 1846

- April 4, 2011 – moves into Pisces.

- Neptune dissolves the physical world wherever it touches. It represents changes in consciousness, which can include idealism, spirituality, creativity, delusion, confusion, drugs and alcohol.

- Pisces is ruled by Neptune, and is a sign typically associated with empathy and compassion as well as confusion. Neptune last entered Pisces in 1847- A year later the Communist Manifesto (compassion and idealism) was published. Impressionist painters flourished (and drank a lot of Absinthe). Opium came into use, Darwin’s theories “dissolved” the old structure of Christian theological doctrine, and Anesthetic (compassion + drugs) began to be used in hospitals.

What if… Medical Marijuana? New philosophies about people and society? New drugs or vices? New discoveries in science that question religion (… or new discoveries in religion that question science?)

Pluto (Gr: Hades, God of the Underworld)- Discovered Feb 18, 1930

- Moved into Capricorn already

- Pluto is deep, underlying power struggle and change. While Uranus changes like a bolt of lightning, and Neptune dissolves like a wave, Pluto builds like an earthquake and breaks down structure to build new ones in its place. It rules necessary change and uncomfortable healing.

- Pluto was last in Capricorn from 1762 to 1779- A time of tumultuous breaking down of power structures (British rule over the colonies) to make necessary change. Pluto in Capricorn will be a time of power struggle.

What if… Poor countries fight back against rich countries? Changes to corporate society? Great changes in culture, society… re-opening old injuries to heal correctly?

That about covers a lot of the major themes. I know "times they are a'changing" is a slight cliche these days, but it really holds true. Get ready for an eventful 2011...


Sarai said...

Seriously Beau, these posts just get better and better. Your insights and ability to connect things never ceases to amaze me. You could totally make some cash off these blog posts if you could market them to the proper people. Your perspective is fresh and young, but also tempered with a knowledgeable foundation.

Thanks for sharing with us. I look forward to more.


Nikki Davenport said...

Beau, I agree with Sarah - you are awesome!